2015 Asian Culture Day
ACA organized and held The First Annual “Asian Culture Day” gala at Texas Station on November 12th 2015, to commemorate the 149th birthday of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, who dedicated his life to the over-through of the Qing Dynasty and whom is recognized as the father of the Republican form of government in China modeled on the words of Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address: “of the people, by the people, for the people”.
With over 2,500 attendees over the course of the day, the evening’s festivities commenced with the Metropolitan Police Department’s Color Guard and singing of our national anthem. In order to cause the gala to be truly special, Cavin made all the arrangements and paid the cost for Dr. Sun’s granddaughter Ms. Lily Sun and his great-grandson Charles to be in attendance, traveling from their home in Hawaii. Earlier in the day, Ms. Lily spoke on how her grandfather dedicated his life and his family’s wealth to the over-through of the monarchy and establishment of a democratic form of government before more than 100 guests who were in attendance. Later that evening she and her son presented Cavin with a larger than life-sized bust of Dr. Sun (Co Sponsored by Mr. Kirk Zhang and Mr. Walter Hai Ho) as a showing of their appreciation for ACA keeping his memory alive. The gala also included an art exhibit; demonstrations of Chinese, Korean, Polynesian and Philippine traditional dance; Taiko drums; an acrobat show; and, a fashion show of historic reproduction traditional Chinese clothing dating back over 3000 years.
With over 2,500 attendees over the course of the day, the evening’s festivities commenced with the Metropolitan Police Department’s Color Guard and singing of our national anthem. In order to cause the gala to be truly special, Cavin made all the arrangements and paid the cost for Dr. Sun’s granddaughter Ms. Lily Sun and his great-grandson Charles to be in attendance, traveling from their home in Hawaii. Earlier in the day, Ms. Lily spoke on how her grandfather dedicated his life and his family’s wealth to the over-through of the monarchy and establishment of a democratic form of government before more than 100 guests who were in attendance. Later that evening she and her son presented Cavin with a larger than life-sized bust of Dr. Sun (Co Sponsored by Mr. Kirk Zhang and Mr. Walter Hai Ho) as a showing of their appreciation for ACA keeping his memory alive. The gala also included an art exhibit; demonstrations of Chinese, Korean, Polynesian and Philippine traditional dance; Taiko drums; an acrobat show; and, a fashion show of historic reproduction traditional Chinese clothing dating back over 3000 years.
亞洲文化節縁起 十九世紀末滿清,政治腐敗國勢衰微 ,中國面臨著被西方各國殖民分化、被鄰國日本侵佔威脅的命運!眼看四大古文明國之一的中國,即將和其他三大古文明國一樣在這地球上消失了!在這民族、國家、文化垂危之際,孫中山先生於西元1911年發起革命推翻滿清帝制成功,創立了中華民國成為亞洲第一個民主共和國。中華民國政府人民尊稱他為國父。 孫中山先生不僅是一個民主革命實行者,更是一位偉大的政治思想家,他的革命和政治思想深深影響並且啟發了其他亞洲國家向帝國主義鬥爭的意志!例如印度的甘地、韓國的金力、李承晩、印尼的蘇卡諾、菲律賓的紀里諾、越南的胡志明、新加坡的李光耀先生。因此亞洲國家政治人物尊祟孫中山先生為「革命之父」!孫中山先生的思想精髓「三民主義」是依據孔子「仁民愛物」、「天下為公」為中心思想,融合西方現代科學文明自由民主思想,它統一全人類的社會文明、提昇世界政治全面理論。可說是中西文化思想最完善的結晶體!。因為中山先生的畢生犧牲奉獻,中國傳統文化得以繼往開來承先啟後;亞洲各國文化得以延續傳承再造輝煌!為此於11月12日孫中山先生誕辰紀念日訂定為亞洲文化節,深具歷史價值和意義!為中國和平、亞洲和平、世界和平以盡綿薄之力,此為緣起!
November 12, 2016
Asian Culture Day
Let's Make History Together!
Book Your Tickets Now
LocationTexas Station
2101 Texas Star Ln. North Las Vegas, NV 89032 |