Ning Ellis, graduated from Beijing Union University, specializing in secretarial science. After graduating in 1999, Due to the love for yoga and belly dance she attended a specializing yoga and belly dance instructor training school, after graduating with honors she was invited to become a trainer. She has been engaged in training in yoga and belly dance instructor teaching job and has trained excellent yoga and belly dance instructor throughout the major cities in China.
Ning Ellis, 畢業於北京聯合大學秘書學專業。於1999年畢業後由於對瑜伽和肚皮舞的鍾愛,進入一所瑜伽和肚皮舞教練專修學校學習,畢業後以優異的成績被留校任教。多年來一直從事培訓瑜伽和肚皮舞教練的教師工作,至今培養出的優秀的瑜伽和肚皮舞教練遍及國內各大城市地區。 |
Come and join my class
Schedule of Classes:
Saturday 13:00-14:30 Belly Dance
Saturday 13:00-14:30 Belly Dance